Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Writer's Savings Time


Daylight Savings Time recently stole an hour of daylight in the morning. People
have had to adjust their body rhythms.

Writers also have seasonal deadlines to adjust to. Magazines work months ahead
on future issues. If you want to be in the Christmas issue, you might need to turn
in your material in March. Each magazine has its own preferred deadline. Find it
in their guidelines.

Following is a general idea when to think, write and submit seasonal material:

JANUARY:  Father’s Day, graduation, June weddings, Children’s Day

FEBRUARY: Think summer, vacations, travel

MARCH: 4th of July, Independence Day, Patriotism, Christmas material

APRIL: First day of school, 9/11, Labor Day

MAY: Halloween, Harvest, Fall themes, Columbus Day

JUNE: Thanksgiving, Veterans Day, Elections, Daylight Savings ends

JULY:  Pearl Harbor Day, Hanukkah, Winter begins, Christmas

AUGUST: New Year, Resolutions, snow, floods

SEPTEMBER: Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day

OCTOBER: St Patrick’s Day, kites, Daylight Savings Time begins
                     Easter (some years)
NOVEMBER: April Fool’s Day, Tax Day, Easter (some years)

DECEMBER: Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, May Day

I find it difficult to write some seasonal material at the wrong time of year.
So, in December when I’ve got the Christmas spirit, I jot down ideas, events,
feelings, etc. When July comes I have a file full of possible articles, stories,
and poems.

Rather than a list, make a dial. Cut out a circle (5 inches). Mark off 12 “pie-shaped
slices.”  Fill in each pie slice with the appropriate info. Make it as colorful as you want.
Stick a tack through the center and hang it up. Simply turn the dial to the month
you’re working on and go to work.

 Pat Zabriskie

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