Everybody knows you
There are no secrets
Drivers wave at every passing
Neighbors bring you tomatoes
and zucchini
Everybody knows when you’re
in hospital
in trouble
and what your
kid did
Most small towns have a variation of Faye Barber
You bake an extra loaf of
bread for a widow
The Art Gallery
used to be Betty’s Donut Shop
The annual Christmas Cantata
is sung by county residents
Everybody goes to school
sports events because they are
aunts, uncles
A Crow still runs the Stop
and Shop
High school football is a
6-man team
Church congregations get
together to pray
Most small towns have a Rich Hockett
Thursdays on Maine : Eads answer to
the old five & dime store
Newcomers welcome—you can fit
in if you want to
Rodeo/Horse Trailers/Pickups
Only very special small towns have a Doris Lessenden
Lifetimes shared
Where 50 years ago is like
Fond remembrances…
like Philomene Lieson’s talent shows
A small town is a place where
everybody might be anybody’s
and anybody might be
everybody’s cousin
Where life is good
And there’s always something
to do
(the seniors are playing cards on
Wednesday and
Assisted Living is sponsoring a sock
A small town is
a good place to retire
to grow old
to die (cemetery plots are only $60
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