Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Writer’s Bookshelf

Title: Word Magic for Writers
Author: Cindy Rogers
Publisher: Writers Institute Publishers
Date: 2004     272 pages   $19.95

Mark Twain said: “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter—it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”

Every writer, experienced or just beginning wants to use that “right word.” In Word Magic for Writers, Cindy Rogers will show you how to make your writing better. Easy to read, clearly explained with exercises to practice each language device, the book is both instructive and delightful.

Like a baker “who knows the importance of ingredients and how to 
use them,” writers need to know their “ingredients,” i.e., words 
and how to use them in order to produce not only palatable reading,
but the spicy zest, the flavor that takes their books beyond 
good to gourmet.

Chapter titles to pique your interest:

Language Devices from Alliteration to Zeugma
Sound Devices to Tickle A Title and Snap Up A Sentence
Nothing Like A Simile
Excessively Extravagant Exaggeration
Vibrant Words and Vivid Images
Attention Grabbers: Titles and Headlines.

From the familiar tongue twister and simile to synecdoche and 
metonymy, you will be treated to clear explanations and glittering
examples of each language device.

Word Magic for Writers is a resource you need on your bookshelf.

                                                                                                 Pat Zabriskie

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