Thursday, February 23, 2012

On Being A Rural Writer

Sitting on the deck with the sun warming my shoulders and back, I throw my left hand in the air and wave at the passing pickup as my right hand continues writing the words to my next song.  The quiet of the spring afternoon lets my creative thoughts flow from my head to the pen.
    Nothing is as wonderful as being a writer and living in the country.  Being able to sit outside on a sunny, warm day sets the scene for the next great song, poem, story or novel.  No noisy boom boxes, no squealing tires, no sirens.  Ahh...just peace and quiet.
    Okay, so there are just a couple of drawbacks to being a writer and living in a rural area.  All the towns around us have a population of under 8,000.  The town I live closest to has 400.  The nearest "big city" is two hours away, so getting the latest magazines might be a bit difficult. But there’s the internet
   While some inconveniences are part of living the rural life, I love it and wouldn't change a thing.  Being in a small writers group is also full of advantages you wouldn't have in the big city.  You form closer relationships with your group and you get more one on one attention when you're struggling with a piece of writing.  Also, in a rural area you get to know your neighbors.  Those neighbors can make for many hours of writing material.
    Want to release your creative juices and write like never before?  Move to the country!                                                                                           Karen Sperra

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